I miss walking. It probably sounds strange, dumb and/or confusing to read, but I do.
I used to walk home from work. I loved doing that; I walked through the city, pausing at the White House, staring at the moon, all while falling a little more in love with D.C. I felt so accomplished when I reached my front steps, after three miles of the best sort of natural, interesting cardio ever.
I can't even walk two blocks now, without experiencing some pain. It's not the ache that vexes me, it's the sense of helplessness. I miss "not caring", as in, not having to plan everything around my damned ankle. What? The Travis concert? Oh...can't stand for that long. SAJA? Not when I'm flat on my back, zonked out on painkillers. Out of groceries? Damn, can't even walk to the store.
My entire city-fied life was based on walking, on not needing a car or even the metro, or anyone's help for that matter. Now, I get shoved on the metro platform, if the escalators and elevators are working in the first place, that is...and then I don't get a seat, despite the very obvious cast which goes up to my knee. I can't really drive, unless it's urgent and that means taking OFF the cast and pressing pedals to the point of further injury. So, if I can't walk, I can't drive and I can't take the subway. Where does that leave me?
And this is only day five, of a much longer sentence.
Despite it all, I'm trying to be positive, I promise. I know, not so convincing...
Anna, I hope you feel better. I can't imagine how frustrating it's been for you to be hobbled like you are. And to add insult injury, you're in DC, which despite being the city that gave us the OSHA regulations, is not the friendliest city to the disabled.
Good luck!
Posted by: Maurice Reeves | 2007.07.24 at 07:59 AM
Hi anna, long-time reader, first-time commenter... I hope you are feeling better soon. I can really relate; I busted my knee a few months ago and still can't walk more than a few blocks. Stairs are hell; I have changed the route of my commute so as to access escalators more easily. I live in NYC; I feel like my bad knee has stolen the city from me. It sucks. I hope your leg will be better soon!
Posted by: j | 2007.07.25 at 10:06 AM
Girl- do you walk in your heels? During lunch today I walked 1 mile round trip to get the newest Harry Potter Book and saw some chick with a lollicup. So I walked another mile to get a thai iced tea boba. My feet hate me. I am in such miserable pain. I fantasized about flip flops during my walk.
Posted by: Bengali Chick | 2007.07.26 at 05:33 PM
Hope you recover soon, Anna!
Posted by: musical | 2007.08.02 at 07:03 PM