I could come up with a few thousand reasons for "Why I am thankful for my beautiful, brave, loyal and funny little sister". Reason #9999? After noticing that I was writing WAY less and having severe issues with connecting to the internet (thus impacting communication, dream-completing, book and blog-post-writing, job searching, bill-paying and oh, every other aspect of my life), she quietly ordered a 13" MacBook for my Christmas present this year; I am typing on it, now. Did I mention that she coordinated all of this while in a war zone? Yeah. She's made of 100% awesomeness.
Dearest Veena, thank you, thank you, thank you.
This post was brought to you by the letters "V", "S" and "B" and the number "1". I have just one sibling, but I couldn't ask for anything or anyone, more. This blog post, this moment and this joy exists solely because of her. I am not worthy, but I am THRILLED. :) Merry Christmas, everyone!
Dearest Veena, thank you, thank you, thank you.
This post was brought to you by the letters "V", "S" and "B" and the number "1". I have just one sibling, but I couldn't ask for anything or anyone, more. This blog post, this moment and this joy exists solely because of her. I am not worthy, but I am THRILLED. :) Merry Christmas, everyone!
Congratulations! What a great gift and I'm so glad you put it right to work.
My sister went to Kansas on her way back from living in California and bought me a brick on the Yellow Brick Road at the "official" Munchkinland. They documented the whole thing in photos and gave that to me in an album along with it. There are multiple reasons why this is very, very cool...made my holiday and my year, in some ways. So, no matter the difficulties, I suppose you and me, we're lucky in that kind of love. :)
Merry Christmas, Anna. To use a lazy cliche, I hope 2010 rocks your socks off. :)
Posted by: Laurie | 2009.12.25 at 02:12 PM
your sister is amazing -- and i, for one, can't wait to see more writing from you. highfive to the both of you, and i hope you're having a beautiful holiday season!
Posted by: yasmine | 2009.12.26 at 01:40 AM
Yasmine- yay! I love highfives!!! and thank you :))
Anna- <3 *warm-fuzzies*
Posted by: Yup | 2009.12.26 at 02:04 PM
My Google Reader alerted me to this post and looks like I may have lots more to read here. Congratulations and Happy Holidays!
Posted by: Chaitan | 2009.12.27 at 05:41 PM
Awwwww. What an AMAZING sister. Can she have a chat with my brother?
Posted by: Teresa | 2009.12.28 at 01:22 AM
you obviously want attention from strangers by linking your personal blog to a very public south asian news based blog.
Then you will be turning around and whining about privacy,blah blah etc.
Now we know how cool you are that you got a mac. happy?
Posted by: Iching | 2009.12.30 at 05:35 AM
I hope you continue to update your Diary, and anything else which strikes your fancy. You have been very missed.
Posted by: maus | 2009.12.30 at 07:40 PM
Why don't you post anymore? I missed reading your blog =(
Posted by: Anonymous | 2010.01.28 at 07:49 AM