I could come up with a few thousand reasons for "Why I am thankful for my beautiful, brave, loyal and funny little sister". Reason #9999? After noticing that I was writing WAY less and having severe issues with connecting to the internet (thus impacting communication, dream-completing, book and blog-post-writing, job searching, bill-paying and oh, every other aspect of my life), she quietly ordered a 13" MacBook for my Christmas present this year; I am typing on it, now. Did I mention that she coordinated all of this while in a war zone? Yeah. She's made of 100% awesomeness.
Dearest Veena, thank you, thank you, thank you.
This post was brought to you by the letters "V", "S" and "B" and the number "1". I have just one sibling, but I couldn't ask for anything or anyone, more. This blog post, this moment and this joy exists solely because of her. I am not worthy, but I am THRILLED. :) Merry Christmas, everyone!
Dearest Veena, thank you, thank you, thank you.
This post was brought to you by the letters "V", "S" and "B" and the number "1". I have just one sibling, but I couldn't ask for anything or anyone, more. This blog post, this moment and this joy exists solely because of her. I am not worthy, but I am THRILLED. :) Merry Christmas, everyone!
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