Hey there.
You, yes you who I just deleted over there, who is not reading this, over here, on my personal blog.
I typed a long, earnest comment to you, asking you please, not to mischaracterize my actions or intentions, because your manipulating the situation was unfair and would only further derail the thread. Contrary to what you allege, we DO delete for off-topic comments. Keeping us on topic is the biggest challenge a moderator has! While I wish that I could get my snark on to the extent that the girls at Jezebel do, certain literalists, pedants and others whom I actually have nothing against and like in real life prevent that from happening (which is less entertaining for all of us, I think).
But then I thought, "I should look up this person's IP" before I sincerely try and defend myself by engaging in a dialogue with someone who is accusing me of something...and I did that query...and lo, I discovered much. Now, given such context, I see that I could type until my fingers fell off, but you don't give a shit about fairness or hearing me out.
You've made some of the most petty, immature comments I've moderated this summer (when you weren't insulting me, that is). You keep reading the blog even though "the only person worth paying attention to" is no longer with us (glutton for torment much, then?). So peace to you, my critical, rude, blood-pressure-raising friend. I get it, it's personal, you reeeeally dislike me and there's no point in my trying to reason with you or convince you that I'm not as _______ as you think. I've deleted our entire exchange, because its about as pretty or useful as fecal matter smeared on walls. You must feel nice though, because I feel like shit, which shall be a running theme in this post.
A confession: as SM gets bigger, I feel like I'm being forced in to a smaller and smaller box. I am less allowed to be me, if that makes sense. There are too many observing us, which raises the stakes, so it's better to avoid risk, lest I suffer for it later. More troubling than that, I am less allowed to be uneven, flawed, normal. Expectations are so high...too high. When I'm not disappointing the majority, I'm offending or troubling them. Every post needs a disclaimer, an explanation, a multitude of clarifications...and that's exhausting not to mention numbing.
It makes me want to write less. It also defeats the purpose of the whole sepia party; if you want straight news which is presented professionally, honeychile, get thee away from teh blogs. The whole point is personality, yet that's what I get slammed for, again and again. It's a constant stream of rejection, of being met with "eeww" when I say hello. It's demoralizing. And draining. Wanna know what's extra awesome? It always seems to worsen when I'm trying to do the right thing or when the point of a post is helping someone. No, not depressing at all. I'm left thinking that if anything, I've harmed, not helped, that the negativity which I've inspired is the last thing a good cause needs.
One more thing: if I could have grown a thicker skin, don't you think I would have by now? I swear I don't enjoy this. Who would?
Some days, I love what I do, others...I just want to go home and crawl under a blanket. That goes for both of my "jobs" and it probably goes for most of the working world. I recognize that it's not a unique sentiment. I also get that it's really hard to assume the best about a situation. A few hours ago, an alarming email was sent out to our entire team and its target was nebulous but it could've been aimed my way? I started to fret and get depressed, even as I told myself that such stress, while understandable, was pointless, unless I knew the issues raised were ones I am guilty of, specifically. So I'm having this rational discussion with myself, but it's not really working...and then one of my favorite co-workers arrives, asks me why I'm blue...and then starts laughing because the email was about HIM. He even proved it. So, I Eeyored for nothing. It's a valuable lesson which I fail at regularly, this not assuming the worst stuff. I will console myself with this indisputable fact: I'm not the only one who needs to learn it. I hope she reads the reply but more than that, I hope she believes me. Really, I'm not so awful.
Shit never ends, yo. And on a thread for Bevin no less! I'm amazed.
I'm going to go home. I've had enough shitty attitudes, misunderstandings, trolling and whatever else for a week, let alone a Thursday, which is usually my happiest day at work.
Is it disturbing that I fantasize about moving on to the next stage of my life and having children, which would make me too busy for any of this self-torment? Right now, I love how blissed out my friends with kids are...they seriously don't give a shit about anything BUT their kids. I normally find that scary, worrisome...but now it seems sooo fantabulous, compared to giving something my all and constantly getting shat on for my efforts. Which is not to say that when I have kids, I won't give it my all or get shat on, I will and I will...but it's one thing to wash your own infant's poo-ish little butt, quite another to get shat on by anonymous jerks who won't be changing MY diaper when I'm 90.
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