Said pingpong:
Could we have some sort of "Introduce yourself" thread that is always kept open where we can all give basic info (A/S/L or equivalent) that newbies and lurkers can check as a resource? Speaking as a recent delurker myself (about 30 days), I would have found that very useful to keep a clear mental image of regular posters. [sm]
Splendid idea, old bean. I've toyed with the idea of hosting a "virtual meetup", if only so we can introduce ourselves to each other. The "getting to know you...getting to know alllll about you" which once happened organically no longer occurs as easily, now that SM is no longer tiny. It's harder to get a sense of whom you are conversing with; even the most dedicated F5-punchers, who read nearly every comment on every thread, even they can't synthesize disparate details quickly enough...which leads to less relating and understanding and diminishes the goodness.
I cringe at the whole "A/S/L" acronym because I think it's creepy and trite, but I understand the desire to know more about people whom you are interacting with, on a daily basis! So, I'm opening a thread here, to let you guys reveal as little or as much information as you'd like. A space for a mini-bio if you will, to help provide context for your of all, each comment has a permalink (click the date/time stamp and you'll see a link which leads directly to your comment), so when someone asks about you, you can refer back to your blurb with ease.
For people like me who freeze with fear at the term "bio" (which is why my shit is always late, when people are putting together programs or other materials for conferences where I am a panelist and the like), I'll make it pottan-proof:
1) Age
2) Vhether you are the single? Or not allowed to mingle? SepiaMatrimony, here ve come...
3) Gender
4) Cities: none of us is where we were born or raised it seems.
5) Queer or not that cool? (this ain't no heteronormative party, mang)
6) ABD or DBD?
7) Region, i.e. Mallu, Guju, K'diga, Klingon (actually, this question should just be "TamBrahm or not", since they have taken over)
8) Are you an "alternadesi"? Or are you one of the noble souls who toils in the medicine, the law, the Iyer banking, the software et al?
9) Is there any special meaning to your handle, if you choose to comment under one?
10) And the most important question of all-- DO YOU LIKE THE PIXIES? Because they're my favorite group and if you don't, I will totally love you a smidgen less. ;)
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